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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Puspakom Inspection, Inspection for Trasfer of Vehicle effective 1 July 2007
One of my friend who went for Puspakom inspection last week in Cheras area,
told me the procedures was fairly easy given the car was in good condition,
no change of engine or any modification.
However, since most private owner do not seem much to know the level of tinting permissible,
they will ask you whether your car is tinted or not.
Then they will check the tint level without showing you the reading and conclude it
is above the permissible level. I thought it was the front windscreen
which is quite difficult to pass the stringent 70% rule, but he told me it was all around, sides and back.
The tint was from a reputable brand around RM 2000 which was clear
enough to pass the 50% side and rear window.
So for future seller of private car,
if you want to sent car for puspakom inspection MAKE SURE you let
them show the windows tint reading BEFORE agreeing to remove your
valuable tint which was not a pleasant experince at Puspakom.
Friday, May 29, 2009
10,000 excess staff at Satyam Computer Services are set to be offered 40% of their salary for six months
HYDERABAD/ MUMBAI: A majority of the 10,000 excess staff at Satyam Computer Services are set to be offered 40% of their salary for six months in what can be termed as a severance package being firmed up by the beleaguered IT firm.
The top management of Satyam in consultation with its new owner Tech Mahindra has prepared a list of around 10,000 employees who have not been billed for over six months now. These employees are set to be offered 40% of their existing salary for six months, along with medical insurance and provident fund.
But they may eventually have to leave the firm.
Non-billable employees have been short-listed as they do not bring in any revenues to the IT firm. Satyam’s revenues have been under pressure as many customers snapped ties with the firm after its defamed founder B Ramalinga Raju admitted to perpetrating a Rs 7,000 crore financial fraud.
Raju had hired more number of employees to inflate revenues and profits of the firm, and the economic downturn has only compounded Satyam’s woes, forcing Tech Mahindra to look at a separation package for the excess staff in the Hyderabad based outsourcer.
Kiran Karnik, who was chosen by the government to be on the Satyam board and salvage the firm, said unless substantial steps were taken to contain costs, Satyam could go under and risk the jobs of all employees.
The government-appointed board had suggested a number options to the new management including organisation-wide salary cuts, keeping employees on a virtual bench and sending them on a sabbatical. In the last two cases, the company would have to pay only part of the salary to these employees.
Vineet Nayyar, the CEO of Tech Mahindra and now whole time director on Satyam, declared that the company had an excess staff of around 10,000.
The employee strength at Satyam is reckoned to be around 42,000. It is likely to drop to 32,000, if the proposed plan to create a “virtual pool” is implemented.
Non-billable employees across all levels will be impacted, though entry and middle levels will see more exits.
“We recognise that we have to deal with the situation and are exploring the most humane ways to tackle this issue,” said Satyam Computer Services marketing global head T Hari.
The company is talking to a dozen outplacement firms to help people who are laid off find new jobs. It is also planning to tie-up with engineering colleges for PG courses and would fund employees who wish to enroll in these programmes.
A few companies have also written to Satyam to take some employees on board. Employees, who have been identified for lay offs will also have access to all the training programs offered by Satyam, said Mr Hari.
The company plans to have financial counsellors to help out those whose exits are imminent.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
More Payouts By Socso Last Year
The Social Security Organisation (Socso) paid out a total of RM94 million in the form of Temporary Disability Benefits to contributors last year, said Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Maznah Mazlan Tuesday.
She said the amount was a 10 per cent increase from the previous year which stood at RM85.213 million.
She said payments under the Permanent Disability Benefits last year rose by 14 per cent from RM187.892 million to RM214.624 million.
Speaking to reporters after visiting the Socso office here, she said the increase in payment of benefits was due to the rise in the number of accidents, especially road accidents.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Upgrading Or Downgrading RON?
In light of the news of GOV upping our Fuel RON97 to RM2.00 with no value added to any layperson and poor fellow let me enlight some worried of the RON Myth. I am using a Campro engine and tested RON92 last month till now. The engine has no problem with RON92 and whatever claims of lack of power etc is pure bull. If your engine retards you actually save fuel on long distance runs. Advance timing is good if you want to accellerate like on a 1/4mile race track. Any of this retarding can be overcomed by simple mods to your car so that solves the lowend. The engine actually feels more relaxed with RON92.
Now pure maths:
RON97 - RM1.80 x 40L = RM72.00/tank
RON92 - RM1.70 x 40L = RM68.00/tank
RON92 gives you back RM4.00/tank enough for a bowl of noodles or nasi lemak + tehtarik.
RM4.00 x 52 weeks (if you pump per week) = RM208.00 savings - enough for pampering yourself ahem....
Now with the new prices:
RON97 - RM2.00 x 40L = RM80.00/tank
RON95 - RM1.75 x 40L = RM70.00/tank
RON95 gives you back RM10.00/tank enough for KFC!.
RM10.00 x 52 weeks (if you pump per week) = RM520.00 savings - enough for pampering yourself ahem girlfren....
so to hell with RON97 and save money with RON95 all the more better!
if you pump RON97 u are giving the GOV more money to waste....
Friday, May 22, 2009
有 心 理 學 家 解 釋 , 人 之 所 以 要 自 我 炮 製 驚 嚇 ,原 因 可 能 有 二 , 一 是 為 宣 洩 , 二 是 為 現 實 生 活 可 能 出 現 的 可 怖 情 景 預 習 。 不 論 哪 種原 因 , 如 果 真 要 喊 驚 , 萬 聖 節 不 妨 到 鬼 影 幢 幢 的 鬧 鬼 勝 地 。 美 國 財 經 雜 誌 《 福 布 斯》 網 站 就 選 出 全 球 10 大 陰 森 「 鬼 地 方 」 。
意 大 利 特 里 諾 盧 切 迪 奧 修 院 Abbey of Lucedio
傳 說 17 世 紀 一 群 少 女 被 魔 鬼 引 到 修 道 院 , 修 士 和 少 女 胡 天 胡 帝 , 投 向 撒 旦 , 修 院變 得 邪 惡 , 最 後 被 關 閉 。 修 院 重 開 後 , 大 家 發 現 修 士 都 變 成 乾 屍 , 在 密 室 圍 圈 坐 ,而 教 堂 旁 總 有 一 團 霧 不 消 散 , 有 條 柱 子 長 年 潮 ?。
意 大 利 巴 勒 莫 嘉 布 遺 修 院 地 下 墓 室 Catacombs of the Capuchins
1599 年 , 當 地 神 父 將 一 名 德 高 望 重 的 修 士 遺 體 製 成 木 乃 伊 , 引 起 居 民 仿 效 , 爭 相將 死 去 至 親 製 成 木 乃 伊 。 墓 室 現 有 逾 8000 具 木 乃 伊 , 全 部 衣 整 齊 , 擺 出 不 同 姿 勢。
愛 爾 蘭 圖 拉 莫 爾 查 爾 維 爾 城 堡 Charleville Castle
傳 說 城 堡 的 設 計 本 來 是 想 控 制 德 魯 伊 特 — — 擔 任 祭 司 、 巫 師 、 法 官 、 占 卜 者 的 知 識分 子 — — 的 精 神 能 量 , 卻 吸 引 大 量 邪 魔 。 另 一 說 法 是 城 堡 下 本 是 瘟 疫 死 者 的 亂 葬 崗。
蘇 格 蘭 愛 丁 堡 灰 衣 修 士 教 堂 墓 園 Greyfriars Kirk Cemetery
迄 今 有 多 達 150 人 報 稱 在 墓 園 被 邪 靈 襲 擊 , 很 多 人 聲 稱 身 上 無 端 端 出 現 瘀 傷 , 而 大部 份 事 故 都 發 生 在 墓 園 中 一 個 囚 禁 激 進 改 革 派 信 徒 的 監 獄 內 。 據 說 神 職 人 員 幾 十 年來 曾 多 次 在 墓 園 舉 行 驅 魔 儀 式 。
蘇 格 蘭 愛 丁 堡 瑪 麗 金 街 Mary King's Close
這 條 用 大 卵 石 鋪 成 的 狹 窄 小 街 , 在 1645 年 瘟 疫 蔓 延 到 愛 丁 堡 時 被 徹 底 封 鎖 , 傳 說有 些 家 庭 更 被 人 用 磚 頭 封 門 , 在 家 中 活 活 餓 死 。 小 街 重 開 後 , 嚴 重 鬧 鬼 , 沒 人 願 意搬 往 居 住 。
美 國 費 城 馬 特 博 物 館 Mutter Museum
馬 特 博 物 館 未 必 鬧 鬼 , 但 博 物 館 介 紹 許 多 疾 病 、 受 傷 和 畸 形 的 個 案 , 展 品 逾 20,000 , 包 括 戰 爭 中 傷 者 的 照 片 、 連 體 人 的 遺 體 、 侏 儒 的 骸 骨 以 至 一 條 27 呎 長 的結 腸 , 叫 人 毛 骨 悚 然 。
法 國 巴 黎 巴 黎 地 下 墓 室 The Paris Catacombs
延 綿 300 公 里 的 地 下 隧 道 陣 , 葬 了 約 700 萬 人 , 骸 骨 都 整 齊 沿 牆 排 列 , 標 明 死 亡 年份 。 墓 室 本 是 石 灰 岩 礦 場 , 後 因 墓 地 爆 滿 兼 疾 病 爆 發 , 於 1770 年 代 開 始 葬 人 。
法 國 巴 黎 佩 爾 . 拉 雪 茲 墓 園 Pere Lachaise Cemetery
法 國 不 少 著 名 詩 人 、 藝 術 家 、 作 家 , 如 雨 果 、 德 拉 克 洛 瓦 等 , 都 長 埋 於 這 個 優 美 得來 有 點 詭 異 的 墓 園 。 墓 園 有 真 人 大 小 的 天 使 、 女 神 、 兒 童 雕 塑 林 立 , 有 些 飲 泣 , 有些 伏 在 墓 上 , 有 些 像 仰 天 嚎 叫 。
意 大 利 羅 馬 羅 馬 地 下 墓 室 Rome Catacombs
建 於 羅 馬 帝 國 時 代 , 供 基 督 徒 長 眠 。 已 知 的 墓 室 有 40 個 , 全 部 沿 當 時 大 街 建 築 ,各 以 葬 於 墓 內 的 殉 道 者 為 名 。 墓 室 現 屬 梵 蒂 岡 , 遊 客 大 都 由 修 士 和 神 父 帶 領 參 觀 。
美 國 麻 省 塞 勒 姆 Salem
這 以 1692 年 塞 勒 姆 女 巫 大 審 訊 歷 史 聞 名 。 審 訊 中 , 20 人 被 判 施 巫 術 罪 成 , 19 人 hi 死 , 餘 下 的 1 人 遭 石 頭 活 活 砸 死 。 當 地 有 塞 勒 姆 女 巫 博 物 館 、 巫 術 地 窖 博 物 館等 。
法 國 巴 黎 佩 爾 . 拉 雪 茲 墓 園 Pere Lachaise Cemetery
法 國 不 少 著 名 詩 人 、 藝 術 家 、 作 家 , 如 雨 果 、 德 拉 克 洛 瓦 等 , 都 長 埋 於 這 個 優 美 得來 有 點 詭 異 的 墓 園 。 墓 園 有 真 人 大 小 的 天 使 、 女 神 、 兒 童 雕 塑 林 立 , 有 些 飲 泣 , 有些 伏 在 墓 上 , 有 些 像 仰 天 嚎 叫 。
美 國 麻 省 塞 勒 姆 Salem
這 以 1692 年 塞 勒 姆 女 巫 大 審 訊 歷 史 聞 名 。 審 訊 中 , 20 人 被 判 施 巫 術 罪 成 , 19 人 hi 死 , 餘 下 的 1 人 遭 石 頭 活 活 砸 死 。 當 地 有 塞 勒 姆 女 巫 博 物 館 、 巫 術 地 窖 博 物 館 等
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Vehicle Sales Continue To Decline In April 2009
KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 (Bernama) -- Motor vehicle sales continued to decline in April 2009, recording 41,135 units compared with 50,279 units in the same month last year.
The Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA), in releasing the figures today, attributed the lower sales performance to the unexpected increase in hire purchase loan interest rates.
On the outlook for May 2009, MAA said the sales volume is not expected to to improve due to the full impact of increase in hire purchase loan interest rates.
Year-to-date, vehicle sales declined to 159,818 units from 181,053 units, the association said in a statement.
Vehicle sales in April 2009 dropped by 3,070 units or seven percent compared to the previous month, it said.
Of the vehicles sold in April 2009, passenger cars accounted for 37,259 units while 3,876 units were commercial vehicles, it added.
Total industry production in April 2009 declined to 39,574 units from 42,335 units in the same period last year, MAA said.
Of these, passenger cars accounted for 36,562 units while 3,012 units were commercial vehicles, the association said.
Production in the first four months of this year comprised 138,890 passenger car units and 14,693 commercial vehicle units, providing a total of 153,583 units as against 175,079 units in the same period last year.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
H1N1 Is Not A Deadly Virus
KUCHING, May 16 (Bernama) -- There is no reason to panic over Influenza A (H1N1) as it is not a deadly virus, a senior lecturer on swine diseases of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) said Saturday.
Dr Ooi Peck Tong, senior lecturer at the UPM's Department of Clinical Veterinary Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, said a regular flu killed between 250,000 to 500,000 people worldwide every year.
"Influenza A (H1N1) is not a deadly virus but it spreads fast as its morbidity is high, however, the mortality rate is relatively low. The normal flu kills more people every year.
"People all over the world are panicking over Influenza A (H1N1) as it is a new virus and there are lots of uncertainty on the virus and as well as its ability to mutate. The people fear more about the unknowns of the virus," he told reporters after attending the 1st Malaysian Association of Veterinary Pathologists Conference here.
With more than 8,000 cases of Influenza A (H1N1) infection and 66 deaths worldwide, Dr Ooi said the people were in fear that a second wave of Influenza A (H1N1) could occur and be more deadly.
"The people are in fear that the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed millions of people worldwide in the second wave will repeat," he said.
With the county's second case of Influenza A (H1N1) detected in Malaysia, Dr Ooi said so far, the Influenza A (H1N1) appeared relatively mild, except in Mexico.
"Until experts know how contagious and deadly the virus is, it is hard to estimate the vaccine volume needed. If the disease remains under control and is stable, only a small portion of people require vaccination," he added.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
RON95 Petrol To Be Sold At RM1.75 Per Litre From Sept
PUTRAJAYA, May 12 (Bernama) -- The sale of RON95 petrol at RM1.75 per litre will be implemented from Sept 1 as an alternative to RON97 whose price will be increased to RM2.00 per litre.
At the same time, RON97 would be made a premium product while RON92 would be removed from the market, said Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
He also said that in view of its status as a premium product, the price of RON97 would not be controlled by the government unlike RON95 that would become a fixed-price product.
"Although the price of RON95 is quite high compared to RON92 which is being sold at RM1.70 per litre, it is of higher quality and in terms of performance, it is far better than RON92," he told reporters after launching RON97 here today.
He said RON95 could be used for all vehicles including imported luxury cars.
"All cars can use RON95 including the high-powered, branded and so on. If before this, cars of these types used RON97, now they can switch to cheaper RON95," he said.
He said the higher RON97 price in the market should not make the people panic because RON95 offers about the same quality and performance.
"The relevant government agencies support the sale of RON95," he said and added that the government would continue providing subsidy on the sale of petrol at three sen per litre.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
H1N1 flu tally 4,379 in 29 countries - WHO
H1N1 flu has infected 4,379 people in 29 countries, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Sunday, increasing its count by almost a thousand in a day.
The WHO tally tends to lag national reports but is considered more definitive.
The U.N. agency said Mexico has reported 1,626 confirmed cases, up from 1,364 on Saturday, and repeated that 45 people have died there from the new flu strain that is a genetic mixture of swine, bird and human viruses.
The Mexican government has said the worst is over and eased restrictions on commercial and public activity in the country that has been at the epicentre of the outbreak.
The WHO's latest flu tally increased the number of confirmed infections in the United States to 2,254 from 1,639 reported on Saturday, while the number of reported deaths remained at two.
U.S. officials on Saturday said a man died from the new flu in Washington state last week, bringing the toll in the United States to three.
WHO increased the number of infections in Canada to 280, from 242, and repeated one person had died there.
It said one person had also died in Costa Rica, which had eight confirmed cases.
European countries with cases confirmed in WHO laboratories include Spain (93), Britain (39), Germany (11), Italy (9), France (12), Portugal (1), Ireland (1), Netherlands (3), Austria (1), Denmark (1), Sweden (1), Switzerland (1) and Poland (1).
The WHO also confirmed the following infections in the rest of the world: Israel (7), New Zealand (7), Brazil (6), Japan (4), Panama (3). South Korea (3), El Salvador (2), Hong Kong, China (1), Guatemala (1), Colombia (1) Argentina (1) and Australia (1).
Evidence that the disease, popularly known as swine flu, has taken hold in communities outside the Americas would prompt WHO Director-General Margaret Chan to declare a full pandemic.
Chan raised the global pandemic alert level last week to 5 out of 6 in response to the spread of H1N1 flu. Phase 5 means a pandemic is imminent.
The WHO also repeated its guidance that international travel should not be restricted as a result of the outbreak.
Friday, May 8, 2009
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