Beware of TNB bill
This is a TRUE story.
Do you check you TNB bill? Just check how much to pay and how many
used is no enough......
Do you compare the Meter reading on section 'DAHULU' (Red circle)
with previous month?
In this case, the April bill on DAHULU section is 29128, SEMASA is
29380. After paid the bill, the problem come.... The May bill come,
the DAHULU section by right should show 29380. BUT NOW, it still
29128 same per last month.
If we don't compare with last month, frankly, I had HAPPILY paid for
the bill and TNB had HAPPILY got the extra RM72 from me.
So... please check your bill and compare it month by month.
Hi, I have some issue with TNB too and did blog about it. Can I link ur page to my blog and post ur photos (credit to ur blog) for my readers.
Hi, I have some issue with TNB too and did blog about it. Can I link ur page to my blog and post ur photos (credit to ur blog) for my readers.
hi, i think that happen bcoz your bill b4 are Estimated 'E'..so when the following bill they get the normal reading..they have to take previous bill which is the last normal reading to lattes bill 'N' to 'N' and make the 'pelarasan'..its must be a reason why they cannot read ur meter on that time..maybe gate lock or something..that's why i think..bcoz my bill got same problem like this..the meter reader came when I'm not at home.. :)
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