Take a look at your last finger (palm facing you, right hand for female, left for male) and check out the 3 sections - The longest section indicates where your STRENGTHS lie.
If the top section is longest amongst the three: you're a charismatic, articulate & expressive, observant and chary person.
Longest at the middle section: you're caring & extremely patient. This characteristic feature is present in the fingers of many medical care personnel.
Botton section longest : You like much freedom & enjoy unrestrained independence. You're outspoken, eloquent, fond of reasoning & good in debates.
Take a look at your last finger (palm facing you, right hand for female, left for male) and check out the 3 sections - The shortest section indicates where your STRENGTHS lie.
If the top section is shortest: Your expressive ablilty is weak, you're shy thus having difficulty getting yourself understood. Also weak in human relationship.
Middle section shortest: You're loyal, often consistent in handling matters, steadfast & relentless which may seem as strengths but in reality it's a character defect.
Bottom section shortest: you're naive, trusting & gullible. Your "innocence" may become "ignorance" in this complicated society. Beware!
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